Wednesday, December 9, 2009

My New Mantra

"If you can dream it, you can do it. Your limits are all within yourself." -Brian Tracy

That's my new mantra. The only thing holding me back is myself. This also fits in nicely with my tarot card pull for the day - the Four of Swords.

Some of the advice given for this card is to ground and re-charge yourself. Look inward for a real change. Meditate daily.


I am happy with my food choices on this quest. My exercise sometimes gets pushed aside because of weather or errands. I really need to find some exercise dvds I like so I will be motivated to do them at home on those problem days.

This cold weather brings it's own set of issues. Fighting off illness! I'm keeping healthy, but my college finals coping daughter is trying to keep a cold at bay. I brewed her my famous garlic/lemon/honey tea. My family swears by it!

This Tea Busts Colds!
Why the "Spanish cure" really works
By Laura Goldstein , Laura Goldstein is a contributing editor to Prevention.

Many people of Latino or Spanish heritage will tell you that when you have a cold, no other cure works as well as a tea made of garlic, lemon, and honey.

"Make no mistake: If you come down with a cough or cold in Spain or Latin America, your host will likely serve up a pile of garlic and a hot cup of lemon honey tea," says Prevention's clinical herbal advisor, Douglas Schar, DipPhyt, MCPP, MNIMH, who was served garlic, lemon, and honey tea when he caught a cold in the mountains of northern Spain. "The combination worked quickly, but it was a bit rough going down." Dubbed the "Spanish cure," this cough-inhibiting decoction may help ease colds three ways.

Garlic - The same oils that give garlic its unmistakable scent are deposited by the bloodstream into the respiratory tract. There, they inhibit cough and cold microbes, and they are effective decongestants.

Honey - While there's little research on the subject, many cultures believe that honey is a respiratory tonic, gently improving breathing. Honey is known to be antimicrobial, and it helps the immune system fight infection.

Lemon - According to Schar, "Lemon juice reduces and thins mucus, which makes it easier to unclog a stuffed-up respiratory system." Lemon juice also alters the body's pH, potentially making it less hospitable to viruses and bacteria.

Garlic Tea Recipe - In a large saucepan, bring 3 cups of water and 3 cloves of garlic (cut in half) to a boil. Turn off the heat when the water boils, and add 1/2 cup of honey and 1/2 cup of fresh lemon juice. Strain. Sip 1/2 cup, warm, three times a day. Refrigerate extra to use the next day.

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