Saturday, July 30, 2011

Vegan Tuna Salad Sandwiches

A couple of cans of garbanzo beans have been sitting on my counter for a few weeks now. My daughter had planned to mix up a batch of vegan tuna salad, but never quite got around to it. So, Saturday night rolls around, my youngest son and I are getting hungry, so...

I've made a few different tuna salads and always with great success. But today I came upon this one while looking for something else, and just had to share.

While I normally post the recipe here, this one is already online, so I'm just going to share the link for it here.

I used white onions instead of red, because it is what I had on hand. I pulse everything in my little food processor, mix in the vegan mayo, salt and pepper and serve. We ate it on whole wheat bread, but I'm going to nosh a little later using crackers. Enjoy!

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