Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Kale Chips

It was my son Pete (of Pete's Nacho Awesomeness fame) who first introduced me to kale. A woman he knows cooked up a batch and brought it to him at work. He raved to me about how delicious it was, and proceeded to cook up a batch here at home for me to try. He was right! Pretty darn good stuff!

A few months ago we had the pleasure of attending the local Veggiefest and got the chance to watch and sample a cooking demonstration (although using the word *cooking* in this instance is incorrect, since the dish was raw!) by a local chef. She whipped up a mouth watering kale salad and then let us sample some kale chips she had brought. Melt in your mouth!

Since Pete regularly buys kale (he often eats it raw, he loves it so much!), we decided we'd try our hand at making kale chips.

Kale Chips

One head of kale, washed
2 T. olive oil
Sea salt

Remove the ribs from the kale and cut into pieces. Add the kale pieces and the olive oil to a ziploc baggie and seal. Massage the olive oil into the kale until all pieces appear to be equally coated. Spread the kale pieces on a baking sheet and bake at 275 for about 20 minutes. Sprinkle with the sea salt. Enjoy!

The trick is making sure the kale pieces are small, no more than about 2 inches. Otherwise they will still be yummy, but not crispy. It doesn't make a lot, and once you eat one you won't be able to stop. Be prepared to have to whip up another batch pronto!

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