Friday, January 9, 2015


The first time I heard the word *frickles*, I kinda giggled. C'mon, admit it, it's a funny word! I couldn't find an original source for the recipe, but all of them were the same. They aren't pretty, but they are kinda tasty!


One package of egg roll wrappers (make sure they are vegan!)
One jar of pickle spears
One package vegan lunch meat
One container vegan cream cheese

Lay out the eggroll wrapper at a diagonal. Spread with a thin layer of cream cheese. Top the cream cheese with a slice of lunchmeat. Lay the pickle at the bottom corner of the lunchmeat, and begin to roll the eggroll wrapper around all the layers, tucking in the sides as you go. Dampen the edges to make sure it all sticks and stays stuck. Fry in oil, seam down, until it begins to brown, then flip to the other side to brown. Drain. Serve. Enjoy!

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