Wednesday, November 23, 2016

National Cranberry...

National Cranberry Day is November 21. National Cranberry Relish Day is November 22. National Eat a Cranberry Day is November 23. I'm sensing a theme here...

My daughter has begun to insist on cranberries every Thanksgiving. They make my daughter-in-law gag. I can take them or leave them. Until this.

Cranberry Orange Salsa

I found the recipe here. I decided to make it because it was just a different take on the usual cranberry sauce. Rather than eat it like a salsa, with crackers, however, I found I much more enjoyed it like a fruit salad. Slightly tangy but nice.

Funnily enough I read that another name for cranberries is bounceberries, because they bounce when they are ripe. Maybe we should start a new tradition...

1 comment:

  1. Love that you made this salsa and enjoyed it! Thanks so much for linking back :)
    Happy Thanksgiving!
